Let ME Decide

I noticed how I never write and how most of you will read this and be like "huh?" Well simply put, fuck off this isn't for you.



I came to a conclusion. I'm tired of feeling guilty. I knew it was wrong and I have felt the temptation before and knew exactly what I was doing.

If I can hold out over a year for a guy I'm in a serious relationship with and love...surely a stranger shouldn't be able to get in my pants within 2 days.

Confused still? I hope not because I've made your decision for you.

I won't be a fuck buddy. Not now, not ever. Although, I would totally love to...I just can't. I could never live with myself. Trust me, I don't sleep now.

So I'm your friend you can get nothing out of...or I'm more. You can't have the middle -la-la- land.

Sorry. But I do like you a lot and this is how it has to be.


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