Careers Suck

I took C++ to be with Josh...that's it...and to show him I could do it. And I did and I was good at it. I really was.....but once I started making it my career....I couldnt. I didnt want it. So I was leaving Qu to get away from THAT DAMNED CAREER....b/c I had left journalism when I chose to take C++ ...since that's how they worked....anyway, so I went back to journalism....but no, I true passion wasnt I found sonography. An escape. But really, it had too much math and science. So I said "great, I'm fucked" and by then, I said "what the hell, back to CS" and I went, with my head down low...knowing I could be defeated

and price knows I will be defeated...but what puzzles him is how the fuck I can do I can still program and do good at debugging when I soooo suck at math. It's weird. It interests he's working with me. He wants to know how the hell I'm doing it.

I did it to impress someone. I did it for the wrong reasons. It was a different passion that drove me. I could do it b/c I forced myself. I forced myself to eat, sleep and breathe C++ ......and I did it. It blew everyone's mind. The prof at QU was sooo stumped. At first he thought I cheated...but he realized, I didnt. He even had me program in front of him. They dont get it.

Yi Yi Yi...So, now I have the chance to finally go with my caves. To finally go geology. And you know what? I can't.

I don't want to make that jump.

I settled for CS.

Now, I'm stuck.

Stay or move....try or stay...

UMR has both.

Hell, both are big there.

Just...what happens when I study something I have a true passion in?

What happens then?

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