Sweet Angel

Have you ever talked to a perfect stranger online and felt all warm, almost like you were talking to an angel or something?

I have.

Now, anyway.

I don't know how it started and it's weird, but I swear, it's like I knew him and he was sent.

It was one of the warmest convos I've had in the longest time.

Sweet, gentle, and so kind.

Here's the ending part.


codeylewis11: im codey .. roni

codeylewis11: well roni... even though you still have that feeling inside you for him..

codeylewis11: he apparently doesnt feel the same way

g4m3rgur1: I know

codeylewis11: and relationships have to be recipicole

codeylewis11: or they will not work

g4m3rgur1: that's what kills me the most, I never even saw it coming..heh...

g4m3rgur1: makes ya feel stupid, really

g4m3rgur1: (side note: Kentucky is a beautiful state)

codeylewis11: yea... im sorry about your situation, and you will find mr. right when its time

codeylewis11: yup some parts

codeylewis11: :-)

g4m3rgur1: and you dont need to be sorry...I'm doing fine, just a ranting moment...

codeylewis11: thats good

codeylewis11: well i've been alone for almost 19 years... until this year

codeylewis11: when i met the women i will spend the rest of my life with

g4m3rgur1: aww

g4m3rgur1: that's really sweet

g4m3rgur1: how do u know you'll be with her forever though? (it can be deceiving)

codeylewis11: i just have a feeling, .. and we are going to put everything we have on the line to be together

codeylewis11: all those years of wishing upon those beautiful stars, in the cool night air finally paid off

codeylewis11: and i have never told anyone i love them, so many times before..

g4m3rgur1: Codey...

codeylewis11: yes

codeylewis11: ?

g4m3rgur1: you're going to make me cry...that is just so sweet

codeylewis11: :-)

g4m3rgur1: I'm so happy for you and I wish you sooooo much luck

codeylewis11: dont cry

codeylewis11: thank you

codeylewis11: and the same goes to you Roni

codeylewis11: i just know that everthing happens for a reason, and in the end it all works out

codeylewis11: well Roni its about time for me to get off here and get some sleep... i gotta get up at 5 in the morning, but it was nice talking with ya

codeylewis11: bye and have a great life!!

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