Eh, I Don't Wanna

"God gives every bird his worm, but He does not throw it into the nest." ~Swedish proverb

that is on a page my mom gave has a lot of truth

I really have a lot to talk about, but I'm sorta in the "eh, I dont wanna" mood.

Here, I'll give you some brief tidbits.

1. I still haven't finished the UMR papers that they need back.

2. I got a new outfit and purse today and I'm cute in it...LOL

3. I'm not mad at Bradley anymore.

4. I quit my job, got the new one...and now consider getting a second.

5. I have 9 kittens. I don't know if I mentioned that in my last entry or not. Cassie's cat had 5 and then the mom went dry. They are 3 weeks old and we don't know how they lived off of her one nipple that still had milk. Anyway, my brother-in-law wanted to thump them and I wont let him. I said I'd try to help them live. So here they are...I bottle feed them. So now I have 9 kittens.

6. I have my math final on monday and I'm almost looking forward to it. GRRR. Bring it on, I'm going to do good. (I hope...LOL)

7. I didn't ask Mr.Crist if I have to take the final...I think I'll show up any way on monday just in case.

8. Mr.Okie didnt have my final graded now I have to try to catch him next week to find out. *Gets impatient*

9. My public speaking final is tuesday. I'm making like a 'C' right now...whoops...

10. Well, I want ice cream.

Anyway, I think I'll conclude this pointless entry with something Bradley said in an email.

"Hold up, Roni. You can get through this. I can imagine it will hurt for a while...the first month, the first season...the first year I imagine will be pretty bad. Her memory will never entirely fade...but with the passing seasons, it will start to diminish some, at least.

You still think of Josh. That's fine. You're considering dating again...that's ok too, but make sure YOU'RE really ready. Don't do it to try to fix a situation that hasn't fixed itself yet; that'll only make things worse. If you honestly feel like you're ready to date again, go for it. If not, there's no shame in waiting."

It's almost a month now since Annastrianna has been gone.

I'm very depressed and lonely.

It sucks.


But I better go...I...I...just want to.

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