
I quit my job.

I got a new job.

I did this all in one day.


I also got a paycheck...

it must now go to not only pay bills but to by scrubs.

I got a job at a residential home.

Yay for Roni!

Pay is better, they work with me, and they won't be upset when I leave to go to UMR.

Yay for me.

Give me a "Y"...."Y"...

Give me a "A"...."A"...

Give me a "Y"...."Y"...

What's that spell?


Ok, ok, need to lay off the wild cherry pepsi.


OH, OH, I'm like the only person that goes to KFC and eats anything BUT the meat. Seriously, it's like I'm turning vegan or something...*shrug*


I'm not mad at Brad.

Just thought I'd say that.

You're in the clear, b_rad :P


Oh, oh, I added Pat to the links (FINALLY). Heh, I love that guy.

Ok, ok, I don't "love" him...I barely know anything about him...

I'm shutting up now.

Just check out the damned links! LOL


I gotta go.

I'm having break through bleeding.

My OB/GYN said I probably would this month and yelp.

I'm tired of it already and it just started today.

I gotta go buy something for it ...and I gotta buy scrubs for work.

See ya!

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