
So, ever notice how my journal is getting less and less informative?

Basically I just...I get tired of ranting about the same bull.

But good news, folks, I'm ready to move on.

I'm ready to do this.

I can do it.



Oh well...here's some small notes and then a few comments:

Josh, here's your space. Enjoy it. Years from now, I want to find out how you turned out.

Annastrianna, my darling lost daughter, I'm planting a weeping willow for you. In your memory soon.

Melissa, we so have to get MHU to grow more.

Bradley, I'm still soooo pissed off at you.

Susu, yeah, you hate me or something, don't you? What is up with you?

Wendy, girlie...we never talk...*whines*

Jamy, girl, I didnt realize how you do relate to me. We must really talk soon.

George..."ba ba ba ba ba, I'm lovin' it" :D

Mom, you've been being nicer to me. It's scary. OH WAIT. You want something for mothers day, dont you? Is that it? LOL

Dad, yeah, not talking to you.


On to general comments/thoughts:

UMR- am I going for the right reasons? can I really do good there? am I smart enough?

Math- Yeah, where the freak is my math book? I cleaned some and now I cant find it...


Yeah, this was another bull shit entry...but oh well.

I'm sleepy.

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