Declining Your Offer

I honestly thought that maybe Corey was joking. Maybe he was just saying that to make me feel better.

I was wrong.

He was serious.

He meant it about eloping.

But�I don�t want to be with anyone unless it�s Josh.

I mean, yeah Josh and I aren�t going to get back together�and even if we did, it wouldn�t be anytime soon. But�he�s the one I love. He�s the one I want.

Corey, you were my first love. My first love�not my true love. Things may be going not so great with me and Josh, but I still believe whole heartedly that he is the one for me. I�m not trying to get him back, you were right when you had observed that. But that doesn�t mean I�m going to move on and that doesn�t mean I�m going to back track back to you.

Look, it�s sweet in a way. But you can�t be my hero. Besides that, I don�t want rescued.

I have my own life. I have to take responsibility. I want what�s best for my child. Yes, it deserves a daddy and it has one. Josh is its father and you could NEVER replace him.

I know you�re really feeling for me again and as great as that is�it�s not the greatest time.

I kept thinking about this during my math class and I probably will for a while.

You said �I�d be there even if you lost the baby and Josh might not� but you know what? His friendship means more to me than you trying to replace him. You were my first love and deep down, I still have a place for you�but Josh is my true love.

Everything is so complicated now. I mean, I never saw this coming. I thought you might want to get back together, but not this. Yeah, I did want to marry young�but not to you. I�m so sorry. I don�t want you to get hurt. Maybe it�s not good for me to hold on to whatever this relationship is with you.

I have to figure out what�s best for me and the baby. The best thing for me right now is to not jump into anything and to try to make sense of things. The best thing for the baby is for it to live and to have it�s�s REAL father.

I�m confused.

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