Face The Issues


I read your diary and you're right, it's hard to tell which person you're pointing the song to. I have noticed you tend to always pick Linkin Park though :P You know, I wasnt trying to upset you. I feel so much better today. We've both had a very hard week. We've both gotten hurt this week. We've both wished we could fly away this last week. We can't though. There's nothing we can do except stay here and face the issues.
Yes, I do get tired of your games and hearing about them and computers. But, I'm sure you get tired of hearing about whatever it is I talk about, too.
Baby, I'm NOT pregnant. You can't keep being worried every time we get a little intimate. Yes, it comes up. Can you blame me though? Some times it's on my mind. Sometime's I wonder. But if you want to know the truth...I may be infertile. That's right. Infertile. I don't know for sure and I have to get that checked out. I do go through what my doctor likes to call "mock pregnancies" though. He says it's caused by my screwy hormone levels. I say I don't care what it's caused by, just make it stop.
Guy is old news. Yes I got a ride from him. Yes, I have a fantasy involving guys in uniform, but hey, what girl doesnt? I'm past him.
I want to be with you, Josh.
I don't want to fight.
I want things to work.
I want "us"
I love you.
Josh, I love you.

All my love,
Roni Ann

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