Learn To Walk

To Whom It May Concern:

Hello. This is Roni Ann Myres. There are some exchanges I�d like to make in my life. I analyze way too much. This tends to lead to problems because I then analyze to the extent that I doubt everything. In turn, I then become undecisive and change my mind a lot of terms. If you know how I can have fun and learn to not think and analyze as much, I could be a more complete person. I need to learn to let loose and not worry as much. Let�s take Six Flags Theme Park for example. I went to the park with my friend, Sarah Diab, and had no fun whatsoever. Why? The answer is simple. The entire time I analyzed every way in which a ride could break or how I could get hurt instead of just having fun. I was miserable. I need to learn to relax and take life as more of a pleasure instead of as something I need to analyze. Another example involves my relationship with Josh. Josh is my boyfriend and we have been together for eight months. Instead of enjoying his presence and having fun in our relationship, I constantly worry about what could go wrong. I worry more about breaking up than I do about what I�m going to do on our one year anniversary. I need to set my priorities and learn how to not analyze. I need to have fun and stick to my decisions. If you could help me, I promise you I could live a better life and in turn have a more positive influence on those around me.


Roni Ann Myres

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