Finished Run Down

Here�s the run down. I know you�ve been waiting :P. (Oh yeah, the things I had mentioned before, but now aren�t listed�well, that�s either becaue I forgot what I was going to say about them, or because I just said �pfft, who cares?� LOL. Oh well, here�s the list for ya!:


It was good. I never expected it to be as interesting as it was. The most memorable moment was probably when Sarah was laughing so hard at Chris that she blew out her candle! Don�t worry, Chris relit it for her.

Award�s Night

Hey hey, I didn�t trip! I won a $300 scholarship from the �Women of the Moose�. It may sound cheap, but it made my Dad happy. Now he isn�t riding my ass �apply for scholarships�, �you have to get scholarships�, �scholarships�, �scholarships�, �blahblahblah��.you get the hint. I won the �Glory of Missouri Award for Liberty�. I also won *drum roll* the �Exceptional Achievement in Journalism� and the �Journalism Medal�. Gee, wonder if being editor-in-chief had anything to do with it�hehe. It made me happy though. :D


Sarah and I had a fight a while back. For a while, I figured we�d end our friendship before graduation, but I guess I was wrong. We did make shirts. I must say mine was cuter (haha at Sarah). We still fight sometimes over petty stuff, but I think it�s because graduation is really setting in. We won�t be in school together again�EVER. Not only that, but we�ll be parting ways soon. Will our friendship withhold? I�d like to say �yes�, but realistically, the chances are slim.


Bill is moving to St.Louis until time for him to start Truman. That totally dampers my match-making. I don�t think he likes Amy too much anyway.


Ah, the other end of the spectrum. She REALLY likes Bill. Err�at least I think she does. *shrugs*, I�m done playing match maker. It�s too hard and confusing.


So, Amy and I met Ron. Yeah, that�s all I wanna say. Why? Don�t ask. Just�don�t.


DC was in town and went to graduation. I totally tackled him. I miss him. I didn�t realize how much I did though, until I saw him. He�s a great guy. I still wish him the best of luck in all he does. It was great seeing him again.


Well, Amy�s driving in Quincy is enough to make anyone never want to go near the town again. However, I think it still will be interesting. Josh won�t let me get too lost. Besides, if I knew the town too good, it�d get dull�right?

Home Depot

Yep, that�s the place Amy and I ended up in Quincy. And just think�I THOUGHT I knew how to get to the hobby shop. Sheesh. At least I know where Home Depot is now. Hey, have I mentioned I still have never been in one? Ohhhh�field trip! hehe.

The Bell

A few weeks ago�or so�I was at the river with Josh�s mom and I found a bell. It�s one of those you put on the line to ding-a-ling when a fish bites. Hehe. I love bugging Josh with it. I�m trying to get him to come when I ring. Kinda like�making it my �bitch bell�. Hehe.

The Rock

Josh�s mom gave me a rock. A geo-geom-er-something-or-other. It�s sooo cool. I think it�s one of the prettiest rocks I�ve seen yet. I mentioned it because it�s on my computer stand and it�s looking at me right now. Hehe.


That�s Josh�s mom. I just thought I should say that instead of saying �Josh�s mom� all the time.


Adam�s practically engaged. I�m so happy for him. He�s a good guy. I�ve known him for friggin ever. I remember when we were little and he kept trying to look up my skirt. I also remember how I would build a tower of cardboard bricks and he�d crash threw them�that bully! LOL. Somehow, those two memories embarrass the hell out of him. *shrug* not sure why.


Yeah, I bought a bunch of flips. I just wanted to say that.


Destiny had 4 kittens: Lancelot, Arthur, Camelot, and Guinevere. Guinevere was born blind�but she died. Camelot was blind in one eye�or so we thought�we�re not sure now. Mom changed it�s name to Lucky. Arthur is a wuss that we can�t catch�therefore I changed it�s name to Jiggy. Lancelot�awww�he�s so cute. Anyway, Maggie and Annastasia had kittens too, but we can�t catch them.

Anyway, that�s the run down. Let me know if I skipped something that you just absolutely must know about.

Oh yeah, Sheryl...Sheryl...Sheryl...the "L" keeps looking like an "I" to me. *shrug*...ignore this note.