
I was informed today that it�s my fault that Kolin and I aren't dating. My informer told me that I didn�t "try hard enough".

I'm not going to change who I am for someone.

I'm not going to pretend I like a sport I don't for someone. I'm going to be honest if they want to know because the truth would eventually come out anyway.

I hate tennis. I suck at it. But, I was willing to try for Kolin. It's fun to be with him. I'm not good at it, but my informer thinks that my bad tennis is the reason why Kolin and I aren't together.

First off; I did give tennis a chance. I still would for him because he is fun to be around.

Second off, I actually did learn the terms so I won't make an ass of myself the next time I play (IF I ever do again). But no, my informer couldn�t possibly believe look:

deuce-is used to indicate the score in a game whose players have tied at three points apiece. When a game is at deuce, two consecutive points must be won in order for the game to end. If a player wins one point, that player has the advantage. On the subsequent service, if the player�s opponent wins the point, the score returns to deuce.

forehand-stroke hit on the dominant side of the body

tiebreaker-a tiebreaker occurs when both opponents have reached six games a piece without a margin of two between. In the tiebreaker, the first player to capture seven points by a margin of two wins.

let-a let is when a serve hits the net and lands in an opponent's service box. Calling 'let,' no matter if it is the first or second service, prompts a do-over serve. Proving once again that tennis is the gentleperson's game, a let can also be called if a player feels that she was not ready to receive the serve.

lob-a word that really sounds like what it is, the lob--which has a big 'O' in its middle--is a stroke that sends the ball high into the air in an arc. A lob is usually intended to go over an opponent's head and drop near their baseline, giving the lobber time to reset herself or allowing her to beat a player who is at the net.

baseline-the furthermost line of the court running parallel to the net.

backhand-stroke hit on the weak side of the body

ace-a winning service that an opponent is unable to return, never even getting a racquet on it. The guru is also an ace, as in expert.

love-stinks, yeah, yeah. Love is an archaic word meaning a score of zero points.

advantage-the term advantage is used after a game comes to a deuce score. If a player has accumulated one of the two points necessary to win the game, she has the advantage, or ad-in, while her opponent, who is behind a point, has the ad-out.

match-a match is the whole tennis shebang--what would be the 'game' in other, more populist, sports. A match is won when a player takes two out of three sets.

unforced errors-an unforced error sounds exactly like what it is: a mistake made by a player to lose the point.

topspin-can be added to ground strokes or serves. A ball with topspin circles toward an opponent, drops quickly to the court and bounces higher than a ball hit with a flat stroke.

volley any shot returned before the ball bounces. More specifically, a volley is a short, punchy shot that is struck before the ball bounces. It is usually hit by a player who is approaching or already stationed close to the net.

slice-is a lemon-flavored cola. In tennis reality, slice causes the ball to circle toward the person hitting the stroke.

set-a set is made up of games. The first player to reach six games with a lead of two games captures the set. At the US Open, if both players are tied at six games a piece in any set, a tiebreaker is played. In the tiebreaker, the first player to win seven points by a margin of two wins the game and set. Two sets win a women's match.

breaking serve-one breaks a service by winning a set served by an opponent.

approach-a shot hit deep into an opponent's court, forcing them behind their baseline. Delivering an approach shot allows a player to come toward the net, while their opponent scrambles to return the stroke.

double fault-when you make too mistakes,it's your fault's a fault is a service that doesn't count because the ball hits the net, the server's foot crosses the service line, the ball lands outside the service box or, in very embarrassing moments, the toss for the serve is missed completely. One fault is allowed per service but two--hence a double fault--means that the server surrenders a point to their opponent.

Will I ever need to know that? NO....but next time he says "Love, Love"...I won't be like "HUH?"..I'll know it means "0,0"..hehe

Third off, Tennis has nothing to do with why we aren't together. The main thing was his "confusion" at first...and the fact he thought I still liked Jeremy (does it always have to be about Jeremy?).

Fourth, Kolin is a friend. I'm not wanting to date him (not right now anyway).


Sixth, does it really matter what happens with me and him?


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